Find your dream wallpaper!
Use the various search options in the menu bar to find your dream wallpaper. If you click on your desired item, it will be shown in the detailed view.
As a registered customer, you now have the choice of whether to order your wallpaper immediately or if you would prefer to order a free sample to test and compare it. With our photo wallpapers, you have the option of ordering colourfully printed material samples free of charge.
Using the order process, you can buy both rolls of wallpaper and samples. In this case, you will receive two separate deliveries.
Processing confirmation
Once we have received your order, you will receive an email with your order processing confirmation with comprehensive information about your order. Once we have dispatched the goods, you will receive a further email with your dispatch confirmation.
Dispatch confirmation
After the order has been processed and dispatched, you will receive a dispatch confirmation by email. In this email you will find information concerning shipment tracking (shipment/package number).
Attention! In order to receive your order processing and dispatch confirmation email, a valid email address is required.
We hope you enjoy your order!